The Attitude of 10th-Grade Students in Learning Physics
Attitude, gender difference, physics, problem-solving, students.Abstract
The study was conducted to understand the attitude of grade ten students of Phuentshothang School, Bhutan, with the purpose of understanding their interest in physics for reflective planning and teaching. The study was carried out using a quantitative research method. Research questionnaires were validated with the Cronbach’s alpha of 0.76, which was greater than 0.7. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and Paired t-test for two samples mean using MS excel. The findings revealed high personal interest in learning physics with significant gender differences. Respondents expressed a high positive attitude towards physics in terms of linking physics to the real world with no significant gender difference. They also showed a high positive attitude towards problem-solving in physics with a significant gender difference. The participants responded to have a high positive attitude to time and effort needed to learn physics where no significant gender differences were observed. There was a negative attitude towards understanding laws, theories, and concepts of physics with no gender difference. Recommendations are made to the subject teacher based on the findings.
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