The Perception of Intending Parents about the Common Antisocial Behaviors among Adolescent Students in Developing Countries
Adolescent, antisocial, behaviors, parents, student.Abstract
This cross-sectional survey conducted in southwestern Nigeria examined the common antisocial activities among adolescents and students in developing countries, using a structured questionnaire among 300 people preparing to get married. The study was conducted from September to October 2019 with an aim to the perception of people intending to marry on eradicating students and adolescents’ antisocial behavior in developing countries. Data were analyzed with IBM-SPSS version-25. Promiscuity (41.7%) topped the list of antisocial activities mentioned, followed by indecent dressing and social nuisance (27.0%). Improper parental guidance ranked highest (41.3%) as the perceived cause of antisocial and high-risk behaviors, followed by peer pressure (29.3%). Around 48% of the respondents said the parents were to blame and 26.0% said adolescents, and 15.0% said the government was to blame. Antisocial behaviors can be reduced among students and adolescents by including parenting and moral training in the education curriculum. Also, there is a need to educate parents on the essential parenting tips and methods.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Michael Ovire Avwerhota, Oluwasola Stephen Ayosanmi, Uduak Bassey, Olubunmi Elizabeth Amoo, Ahmed Mamuda Bello, Titilope Temitayo Ayosanmi, Adebanke Adetutu Ogun, Isioma Umeadi Ezeagu, Abiodun Olaiya Paul, Felix Olaniyi Sanni

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