A Study on the Effect of Visual and Auditory Tools in Foreign Language Teaching
Foreign language teaching, teaching tools, learning styles, technological devices.Abstract
In this article, the task and function of visual and auditory tools used in foreign language teaching, together with technological progress, are explained. Digital devices that enter human life play an important role in foreign language teaching and learning, as in every field. New visual and auditory learning models emerge according to intelligence types and learning styles. Using tools and equipment such as mobile learning, computerized material preparation, computerized teaching and learning, flash disks, DVD-VSD, smart boards, and projectors have created new models in foreign language education and teaching. The increasing importance of the internet in human life and virtual programs such as Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram, which develop on the Internet, accelerate thinking differently. Traditional language teaching and methods (texts, grammar-translation methods, communicative methods, functional language teaching, etc.) can no longer meet the needs. It has become a necessity that language teaching and learning should be considered together with cultural elements. It has forced both language education institutions, teachers, and language learners to think differently. As a result of all these, individual learning differences have emerged in acquiring and acquiring a new language. Accordingly, it is necessary to develop a new vision.
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