Analysis of the Relationship among Leadership Styles, School Culture and Student Achievement


  • Yusuf Ozdemir Independent researcher, Germany


School culture, multifactor & transformational leadership, student's achievement


This research aims to investigate the correlations among school culture, and key leadership style and student achievement, and the relationships between school culture and student achievement. To achieve the purpose of the research, two key questions, four sub-questions, and two hypotheses were developed to uncover the level of student achievement as reflected in their general point average and to find the relationship between the Multifactor leadership and school culture variables. Because of the nature of the study, the descriptive analysis method was used, which is one of the quantitative research methods. The key tool in collecting the data was a structured questionnaire, which was custom-made corresponding to the problem set. Further data were obtained from interviews each time warranted within the scale of the purpose of the research; Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) and School Culture Survey were utilized. The findings of the research were analyzed and presented as tables using the SPSS-10 package program. The research universe of this study was selected privately-owned schools which have elementary and high school divisions in Metro Manila and Zamboanga City, Philippines. A total of 38 school administrators and 111 teachers were involved in this work. As for finding, there is no significant relationship between multifactor leadership and student achievement even the correlation that exists between the two variables is high.


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How to Cite

Ozdemir, Y. (2021). Analysis of the Relationship among Leadership Styles, School Culture and Student Achievement. Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Language, 1(1), 77–90. Retrieved from
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