Greek University Students’ Foreign Language Learning Classroom Anxiety
foreign language teaching, Greek students, English for Specific purposes, higher education, language anxiety,Abstract
This research paper investigates the impact of Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) on the academic performance of first-year students enrolled in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) courses at the University of Patras. While existing literature has explored Greek students' perceptions of foreign language learning in state institutions, there is a noticeable gap in understanding anxiety sources for university-level Greek students. The study involved 175 participants from three university departments, and data were collected using the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) developed by Horwitz et al. in 1986. Results indicate that Greek students generally exhibit a neutral attitude toward anxiety-inducing situations but express notable concerns, particularly regarding the consequences of failing language tests and the fear of negative evaluation. Student comments reveal anxiety triggers related to teacher interactions, speaking in class, and the influence of Greek culture on the learning process. The findings provide valuable insights into the specific situations that contribute to FLA among Greek university students and highlight the importance of addressing anxiety in foreign language instruction at the tertiary level.
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