Attitudes of High School Students towards Music Lessons and Expectations from Teacher About Class Engagement
Attitude, student attitudes, class engagement, high school, music lesson , educational motivation.Abstract
This study investigated the attitudes of the students studying in high school education towards the music lesson and their expectations from their teachers in terms of participation in the lesson. The survey model was used in the design of this study, which included quantitative research methods. The sample group for the research consists of 354 students from 9th, 10th, and 11th grades at Esenevler Sehit Ibrahim Ates Anadolu High School in Ankara, Turkey, in the 2021–2022 academic year. Two scales that have been developed in relation to the topic were utilized to collect the data for the study; the Attitude Scale Toward Secondary Education Level Music Lesson and the Expectations from Teachers About Class Engagement. Mann-Whitney U Test for comparison of paired groups in data analysis, Kruskal Wallis H Test for comparison of more than two groups; Bonferroni Posthoc Test were used to determine the group that caused the difference. The bilateral link within the parameters of the research scales was assessed using Spearman’s Correlation Test. As a result, it was concluded that the awareness sub-dimension of the attitude affected expectations from teachers about class engagement, but there was no significant relationship between positive and negative attitudes.
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